I was only 8 years old when I first decided to donate her hair, patiently growing my hair for two years. Growing hair for 14 inches was the goal...a difficult one...enough to make a wig. I am so happy for difference she has created in the life of a cancer patient ...The Joy of Giving.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" my hairstylist asked, her worried face staring back at me in the mirror. I responded yes; I was sure. "There's no going back, you know." I knew, but in an effort to assure her of my confidence I turned my head around, looked her straight in the eye with a huge grin and told her that I was positive about my decision. I always wanted to contribute towards the life of Cancers patients and finally inspired to donate my long hair to the cancer patients.

 I still remember the day when the scissors snip together slowly making that unmistakable crunching sound, and 10 inches of hair that I spent two years growing are now gone. The moment I got my hair in my hands, it felt surreal. It was a bittersweet moment initially. I had intense palpitations. But honestly, I just closed my eyes and imagined a bald girl (bald due to chemotherapy) getting all happy by receiving this hair and that calmed me down a great deal. And suddenly, it all felt worth it.

I had grown out and donated my hair two separate times and with each dramatic chop, I feel more and more like myself. And when I looked at the mirror I found someone who's powerful, capable, compassionate, and, if I'm being completely honest, a little more vulnerable.


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