Trishul or trident represents the three aspects of consciousness — waking, dreaming and sleeping, and it represents the three gunas — sattva, rajas and tamas. Holding a trishul signifies that Shiva, Divinity, is above all the three states — waking, dreaming and sleeping; yet is the upholder of these three states. Divinity is beyond the three gunas, but it holds the three gunas together. Shul means problems or suffering. Trishul means that which destroys all kinds of suffering. ord Shiva’s Trishul is supposed to destroy ----the physical world—attachment to gross the illusionary  world which seems so real ; the world of the mind---the ahamkaar or ego which is a barrier between Me  and HIM -–thus transforms  to be in the third world that is the world of spirituality –thus leads to oneness Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone


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