
Showing posts from June, 2022
  DOODLE ART No rules,  simple, fun, stress free and once you begin, difficult to stop!   Whether you are drawing a page full of spirals or incorporating doodled flowers into a canvas piece - it's Doodle Art! If doesn't fit into a specific 'style', its doodle art.  It can be black and white or coloured, be 'something' or be abstract, be a part of a larger artwork or be the artwork, be a complex and intricately composed piece or scribbled drawings. The beauty of Doodle Art is that it's fun and relaxing, and it can be oh as complex as you like and finished whenever you like.  It's can be a quick form of art, with repetitive elements creating a harmony with as much effort required as you choose.
 DONATING FOOD AND BOOKS TO THE ORPHANAGE Visited the orphanage on Nani's death anniversary and distributed burgers. (from katty’z) I was happy to learn that NGO was doing excellent work in enabling these girls "atmanirbhar". My little free library will be helping them with books to realize their DREAM
WOMEN RIGHTS As women gain rights, families flourish, and so do societies. That connection is built on a simple truth: Whenever you include a group that’s been excluded, you benefit everyone. And when you’re working globally to include women and girls, who are half of every population, you’re working to benefit all members of every community. Gender equity lifts everyone. From high rates of education, employment, and economic growth to low rates of teen births, domestic violence, and crime—the inclusion and elevation of women correlate with the signs of a healthy society. Women’s rights and society’s health and wealth rise together. Countries that are dominated by men suffer not only because they don’t use the talent of their women but because they are run by men who have a need to exclude. Until they change their leadership or the views of their leaders, those countries will not flourish. Understanding this link between women’s empowerment and the wealth and health of societies is cru
SINGING IN A CHOIR The feeling of euphoria you get while singing in a choral ensemble is just amazing . Whether created by multiple vocal parts or multiple instruments in an ensemble,  harmony is a pleasure to hear and even more pleasurable to be part of making. My parents always encouraged me to engage in various forms of Music and from very childhood. I had done Junior and middle choir and now I am part of senior choir and associated with Mehli Mehta Music foundation. Association with Mehli Mehta has provided me opportunity create various Singing projects and singing in live concerts with global choristers. During covid , we had to switch to online classes , being used to hearing each other while singing , it was very difficult for us to do it over a video call . We did this for 2 years but we never stopped what we love doing ,we love singing and making people happy and we never let any obstacles stop us. We connected with various choirs groups from around the world . From Scotland ,
“Peace begins with a smile.”- Mother Teresa My first canvas painting on Mother Teresa   She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her home and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co-Workers who became an official International Association . By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa’s spirit and charism in their families.
RECYCLING WASTE PRODUCTS R ecycling can benefit your community and the environment. The more we recycle, the less garbage ends up in our landfills and incineration plants.W e save production and energy costs, and reduce the negative impacts that the extraction and pr ocessing of materials has on the environment.  BAMBOO PHONE STAND Here I  found a piece of bamboo which was about to be thrown away , by just a little bit of cutting  I made it into a phone stand .     BAG FROM OLD JEANS We all have old jeans which we never wear , to be more creative with these jeans , I decided to stitch and sew to make a new bag and giving the jeans a new life  
ONLINE CLASSES FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED  Today,  more than 50% of students in Grade 5 cannot read a Grade 2 text or solve a simple subtraction problem.  With  nearly 1 in 4 people below the age of 14 years, India today stands at an inflection point; where we go from here depends in large part on our ability to provide equal opportunities for all children to attain an excellent education . It  is estimated that 101 million additional children and young people (from grades 1 to 8) fell below the minimum reading proficiency level in 2020 owing to the consequences of the pandemic, which wiped out the education gains achieved over the past 20 years. Through this project I aimed at   repairing India’s educational  crisis. This has provided me a platform to practice experiential learning methodology in the form of STEM tools for the curious minds of 8 th and 9 th  students.  I had created contents around various science subjects and further build easy to understand experiments to understand va
  My parents always encouraged me to engage in various forms of Music and from very childhood I started learning piano and choir singing. I had done Junior and middle choir and now I am part of senior choir.   I am appearing for 6 th  grade Piano from Trinity College London. Recently I have created a music video as well posted on YouTube. Association with Mehli Mehta has provided me opportunity create various Singing projects and singing in live concerts with global choristers. For me, as a person who learned to play the piano many years ago, I feel an admiration that someone wanted to spend the time to learn a skill that combines the hands and arms with sensitivity to sounds as they are emitted in converting notations on a page  into a coordinated sound. I remember the difficulties I experienced when I first started and how I progressed step by step, year by year, until playing the piano was an immensely satisfying labor combining both intellect and emotions. I still feel envy watchin
 BAKING CAKES   How many times have you found yourself heading to the nearest bakery to purchase delicious items to satisfy your cravings for something sweet .  Wouldn’t it be great if you could bring the bakery home instead of going there every time you feel like wanting to eat a pastry or a cake. Just imagine, opening up your oven only to have the mouthwatering aroma of your freshly baked cookies in the kitchen. As soon as they cool down, you take a bite and experience what is called. Bliss! Unwind- If you take it in the right spirit, it can be a relaxing hobby. For me, just the thought of the end result is enough to become motivated and bake.  
GOOGLE DOODLE  Made this google doodle a couple of years ago. " गूगल " which is the hindi translation of "google" . It depicts the Hindu mythology .  The first "ग " is the "chakra" , representing Lord Vishnu.  Lord Shiva bestowed the Sudarshan Chakra to Vishnu.  The chakra represents  the wheel of time , and is the fierce form of Lord Vishnu to destroy an enemy .  T he second   "ग " shows  Lord Ganesha and a bell which is used during a pooja .  The "ल" shows a shankh which is played during a pooja ceremony,  Keeping this shankh in a temple or pooja room , can give you happiness and good luck  and the  sound of the shankh symbolises the sacred Om sound .  A peacock feather which represents Lord Krishna . He  wears the peacock feather which  symbolises the entire range of colours humans are made of and that each one of us a part of the almighty.
 PAINTING MY ROOM'S  DOOR Another fun Quarantine activity.  I had seen many YouTube videos of people redecorating and painting their rooms during lockdown , so I decided to follow the trend and create this mandala doodle on my room's door . I spent hours sketching and designing the wall . The entire process took probably about 3 weeks. I was so happy with the design , being very particular about the tiny details , I really made sure the lines were perfect and every little tiny part of the doodle was just right . Probably one of my biggest projects that i've done over the summer , might paint my parent's room door next ..
"YOU CAN BE ANYTHING"- Barbie                                                      2022                                                                       2011 Mattel has used the idea to aspire kids of all ages to be any of the things they want in life, with her famous catchphrase, "you can be anything." The glass cupboard in my room is very special, it has more than hundred Barbie dolls all purchased from the time when I was two years' old, all intact, well dressed, neatly combed.   The one girl who had a big influence over me. Barbie. It represented the fact that a woman has choices. In fact, I would say Barbie was my twelve-inch plastic life coach. Its fascinating watching woman protagonist in various movie adaptations of everything from fairy tales to original stories Whenever I demanded a Barbie from my father, used to ask.." Tell me what your new Barbie can do?" and every occasion I have to explain the new Barbie character details to earn the
RECREATING MARIO DE MIRANDA Durning Quarantine , I looked up different types of art styles and Mario's works were just so unique and different from the rest , I just had to recreate these..    Mario de Miranda , was an Indian cartoonist and painter based in  Goa . W hat I liked most about his work.Trying to pick out who knows who, who's watching who, who's annoyed by who, who's enamoured by who.   Mario’s drawings, like his signature, had a squared-off, serene quality, a frame of high and mischievous intention that suggested aspirations beyond the momentary smile most cartoons are content to induce... he created multitudes that had a collective melody and mood, his backgrounds were never in excess, always a quaint minimalism that endeared and endured-he also pressed towards the foreground an impressionist zeal that had a zing to it.